Thinking About Climategate

By Dr. Robert Cahalan, NASA Scientist for GLOBE Student Research Campaign on Climate

News media recently dubbed “Climategate” the release of a group of private emails between climate scientists in England and the United States that contained discussion that was interpreted by some news sources as manipulation of the data to produce a desired outcome.  These communications were taken from a server at the University of East Anglia, from an archive of a research group headed by Phil Jones, a well-known climate scientist.  The emails were intended to be private, but contained content labeled by some as professional cheating.  A summary of the Climategate scandal is here:

These emails contained negative comments about the research of certain “climate skeptics” such as Professor Patrick Michaels, a scientist who has consistently disagreed with the views of the Climategate emailers about global warming.

Labeling the purloined emails and their interpretation as “Climategate” suggests a parallel with the “Watergate” scandal of the 1970’s, a break-in to the headquarters of a United States political party, housed in the Watergate Hotel in Washington DC. That release of private records led to the resignation of the person the hackers had been trying to support, Richard Nixon, then President of the United States.  However, rather than compare Climategate to Watergate, as the media has, we might compare it to a scientific scandal, one that happened in the early 1700’s, nearly 300 years ago, namely Isaac Newton’s claim to be the inventor of calculus, against the counter-claims of a widely known mathematics Professor, Gottfried Leibniz.  For simplicity, and with some irony, we’ll label this older scandal “Calculusgate.” A nice discussion of this controversy is online on Wikipedia. Quoting from that Wikipedia article as we find it today, 15 December, 2009:  “… a bias favoring Newton tainted the whole affair from the outset. The Royal Society set up a committee to pronounce on the priority dispute, in response to a letter it had received from Leibniz. That committee never asked Leibniz to give his version of the events. The report of the committee, finding in favor of Newton, was written by Newton himself and published as ‘Commercium Epistolicum’ (mentioned above) early in 1713. But Leibniz did not see it until the autumn of 1714.   The prevailing opinion in the eighteenth century was against Leibniz (in Britain, not in the German-speaking world). Today the consensus is that Leibniz and Newton independently invented and described the calculus in Europe in the 17th century.”

At first sight, there appears to be a strong parallel between “Climategate” and “Calculusgate.”  That is, there developed a strong consensus led by the “establishment” that the truth about the origin of calculus was that Newton was the sole inventor, while Leibniz simply complained about Newton’s lack of rigor, and tried to push his own notation, and agenda.  In this, the Royal Society of London served as the “establishment” much like today’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which was anointed by the establishment with the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.  Isaac Newton himself chaired the Royal Society study that issued a report that declared Newton himself to be the sole creator of calculus, without serious review of the claims of Leibniz, whom we might call the “calculus skeptic.”  The parallel here is that Phil Jones, former head of the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, appears to have been “cooking the books” to make it appear that his claims of global warming are the correct ones, without serious consideration of “climate skeptics” like Patrick Michaels and others that he was criticizing in the ClimateGate emails.  The emails seem to indicate that Jones and his colleagues even considered forcing out Journal editors that weren’t sympathetic to his research. So, whom should we believe, Newton or Leibniz?  Jones or Michaels?

But this Calculusgate analogy, like the Watergate analogy, is far from perfect. Climategate involved a group secretly hacking into nonpublic computers to purloin private data, which is?itself a crime. In that sense, Climategate is more like Watergate than Calculusgate, and perhaps like Watergate it could backfire on the hackers. Keep watching the news to see. Also, Newton’s scandalous behavior did not negate his fundamental contributions to science.  Indeed, Newton is still considered a towering figure in physics, having developed the basic laws of force and motion, light and gravitation. But Leibniz is also now viewed with reverence. Newton and Leibniz are both considered constructive pioneers in the development of calculus during the 18th century. Their different approaches are each considered to have been useful in different applications, now that the passage of time has led to a more balanced perspective.

However, the reputations of Jones and Michaels may not turn out to have equal luster after the coming century.  Each represents alternative views about what will happen to global climate in the coming 21st century.  Jones and IPCC forecast a steady continued warming at a rate primarily determined by the rate of humanity’s continued use of fossil fuels, and a resulting steady decrease in global ice volume, and rise in sea level.  Michaels and other non-establishment climate skeptics forecast no steady warming, but temporary warming alternating with periods of cooling, with the periods of warmth and coolness primarily determined by non-human natural changes in the Sun’s brightness, in volcanic eruptions, and in natural transfers of heat within the climate system.  It is likely that only one of these views will prove correct.  If the skeptics are correct, there is nothing that mankind can do but wait, and watch.  If Jones and the IPCC establishment are correct, mankind is increasingly becoming the main player in the drama of the global climate, and may not simply stand by, waiting and watching, but may agree on long-term policies that might reduce the rate and magnitude of the warming, and the resulting ice melt, and the ultimate height of the rising sea level.  It is important that you, all of us, decide soon which of these alternative viewpoints to take as your working hypothesis about climate change, and choose to act accordingly.

Science is “testing ideas using observations” (R. P. Feynman.)  This is an objective approach to learning about the world.  But one scientist cannot make all observations needed to test each scientific idea or hypothesis.  Therefore, many of our scientific opinions are based on which scientists we choose to trust. How do you decide whom to trust?  Of course, that’s an issue in much of our lives, not only in science.  We don’t trust when there’s evidence of a “cover-up.”  We demand “transparency” in our governments, our businesses, and most of all, our personal relationships.  Scientists rely on personal relationships as much as anyone else.  Science relies on evidence and direct observations as much as possible, but as a practical matter, science must also rely on trust, and on good judgment about who to trust.

So science needs both trust, and skepticism. Science differs from pure skepticism, and from other philosophical approaches to knowledge, in its emphasis on observations, and on the process of developing and testing hypotheses.  Science encourages skepticism, but goes beyond skepticism.  It encourages development of alternative hypotheses, and values only those hypotheses capable of being tested by new observations, perhaps requiring new technology.  Climate science is not purely an experimental science, where we can decide the big questions with a few well-chosen experiments.  It is an observational science, in which we are living inside our own global experiment, and must adapt to the climate as we attempt to better understand it.  Our Earth’s climate is itself the experiment that matters most.  You cannot make all the observations needed to make up your mind about what is causing climate change.  But you can talk to your neighbors, to your grandparents, to your colleagues across our planet, and you can read what the experts write, and decide for yourself who is most reliable. Your decisions about our future climate will hopefully be as well informed as possible. Our future climate may depend on that. That is why your participation in GLOBE matters.

Can you think of examples in your own experience when you became less trustful of someone?  More trustful?  What led to changes in your trust?  How do you decide who or what to believe?  Do you base your beliefs mostly on what your friends tell you, or what you read, or on your own observations?  Why do you think the media labeled this incident “Climategate”? What do you think news media in 1700 might have called the “Newton-Leibniz” scandal? To see how one organization responded to Climategate, read this “statement on climate change”:

especially the section entitled “How will climate change in the future?”  Then read the organization’s reasons for not altering their climate change statement after “Climategate” which the organization refers to as the “CRU Hacking Incident”:

What do you think about this organization’s reasons for not altering their “statement on climate change” after the news about Climategate?  In particular, discuss these statements with your friends, family, teachers and other students:

  • “As with any scientific assessment, it is likely to become outdated as the body of scientific knowledge continues to grow, and the current statement is scheduled to expire in February 2012 if it is not replaced by a new statement prior to that.”
  • “The beauty of science is that it depends on independent verification and replication as part of the process of confirming research results.”
  • “Even if some of the charges of improper behavior in this particular case turn out to be true — which is not yet clearly the case — the impact on the science of climate change would be very limited.”
  • “The AMS encourages ethical behavior in all aspects of science and has established a record of affirming the value of scientists presenting their research results “objectively, professionally, and without sensationalizing or politicizing the associated impacts.”

Write several sentences to describe your own policy about how to decide about the truth of scientific claims.  Consider both the case when you have made some of the observations yourself, and the case when you are mainly relying on the observations of others.  Share your policy with your teachers and classmates, and see how your policy compares with theirs.

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Understanding the Structure of Scientific Meetings: The 2009 Fall AGU Meeting

By Dr. Charles Kironji Gatebe, NASA Scientist for GLOBE Student Research Campaign on Climate

The 2009 Fall American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting being held in San Francisco, California, USA, from 12 December to 18 December is billed as one of the biggest gathering of scientists in the world. This year more than 16,000 scientists are expected from 78 countries around the world with their latest research in Earth and space sciences. The meeting helps to disseminate quality scientific research findings to a wider audience, enhance learning, and encourage international collaboration among scientists. The meeting also attracts teachers and students who come to learn about the latest research in Earth and space sciences.

students at AGU

I am writing this blog at the AGU meeting and it’s hard to decide which sessions to attend and which one to miss given my wide interest in many subjects.  However, I realize that I can’t cover all the sessions, and since my research work involves measurements of reflection properties of opaque surfaces (e.g. land, ocean, cloud, snow, ice, etc) and studying how surface properties affect remote sensing of aerosols, I am mainly attending and presenting my work at the Atmospheric Sciences sessions. Let me try to explain the structure of the AGU meetings and why it is hard for me to decide where to go.

By any measure, a crowd of 16,000 is not small and can fill up to 20 schools, each with 800 students. So having a crowd of this size in one place, in this case, the Moscone Convention Center (pronounced “moss-coney center”) in San Francisco turns the whole place into a very busy market place of ideas. In fact, there are more ideas than can be gleaned from the 500 page document containing 15,788 abstracts that are expected to be presented at the 2009 Fall meeting. But still, the number of participants is smaller than half the total number of the AGU membership, currently standing at over 57,000 from 115 countries.

Because of the sheer size of the meeting, it is organized into many parallel sessions, each day starting 0800h until 1800h, five days in a row. There are also side events and small group meetings that are held either before 0800h or after 1800h sometime ending late in the evening. These sessions and events are listed in the AGU program guide, which is a 224-page document. Scientists either present their work in oral sessions, where each speaker is allowed a total of 15 minutes, or in poster sessions, where presenters have to stand by their posters, at least for two hours (see the picture showing AGU Posters this year). Exhibit hall where posters are displayed at the AGU meeting

It should be pointed out that the general format of the poster sessions is no different from that of science fairs in schools.  However, the oral sessions are a little bit more complex. The first morning set of oral sessions start at 0800h and last for two hours, after which there is a 20-minute break, followed by the second set of morning sessions from 1020h-1220h. Then, there is a lunch break of 1hr, 20 minutes. The first afternoon sessions run from 1340h-1540h, followed by 20 minutes break, then the second afternoon sessions run from 1600h-1800h. This contrasts with the poster sessions which are presented either in the morning between 0800h and 1220h or afternoon between 1340h and 1800h. Posters are displayed for a whole day or in very rare cases, several days, after which they have to be removed to create room for the following day’s posters. That is pretty much how a day at the AGU is partitioned, time-wise, starting at 0800h and ending at 1800h. But of course, if there are special events or special group meetings, which is often the case for some scientists, then the day is stretched accordingly.

NOAA_booth_P1050241Lets now examine how research topics are grouped or organized at the AGU meetings. Everything revolves around sessions.  The sessions are arranged by broad categories or disciplines such as Atmospheric Sciences, Hydrology, Ocean Sciences, Planetary Sciences, Cryosphere, Natural Hazards, Education and Human Resources, Solar and Heliospheric Physics, Public Affairs, and many other categories. Currently, AGU has 27 categories. Disciplines with a large number of scientists such as Atmospheric Sciences or Hydrology can hold more than 10 parallel sessions (both oral and poster presentations) during any 2-hr time period, morning or afternoon, while smaller-sized disciplines such as Cryosphere have one session during any 2-hr time period, morning or afternoon. If one was to organize a school day in the AGU style, visualize a discipline as a subject (e.g. Math or English or Science), a session as a topic and a lesson as an individual presentation or poster. Following the AGU format, if you pick say, Math, then in each 2-hr time period (e.g. 0800h-1000h) there has to be subject math, then under each time period several math topics would be taking place at the same time in several classes and in each class, there would be several lessons, 15 minutes per lesson (or 30 minutes if a double lesson). So for just one subject, there are multiple topics going on at the same time in different classes, sometime in different building. At the Fall AGU meeting, the Convention Center has three large buildings, Moscone South, Moscone North and Moscone West, all located in the same general area across the street from each other. Therefore, there can be a lot of walking to do especially if your sessions are held in different buildings. A good pair of walking shoes comes in hardy. So, choosing which subject, which topic, and which lesson to take is not as easy as A-B-C, especially if you have a wide range of interests like me. This gives you a flavor of how complex and busy a day can become at the AGU meeting.

Therefore, if you were to attend the Fall AGU meeting or any other large scientific meeting like it, you would have to decide in advance which subject, topic and lessons you want to attend, then mark the day, time, building and room number. It is important to select carefully to make sure that the sessions you are interested in are not taking place at the same time, and that you have enough time to change rooms or buildings if that becomes necessary. Given the breadth of this meeting, there is only so much you can cover each day, and it is so easy to get lost.

I will end with a quotation from Andrew Alden, a science writer, who is also blogging from the 2009 Fall AGU meeting. In one of his old blogs he stated that “there are three major arenas in the scientific life—the lab (or the field), the library, and the meeting room. School teaches you about the first two, but meetings can only be experienced.”

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Atmospheric Aerosols: The Mystery Floating in the Air

By Dr. Charles Ichoku, NASA Scientist for GLOBE Student Research Campaign on Climate

The following two pictures of the same place were taken on different days. Can you explain why the upper picture is clear but the lower one is not?

Two pictures taken from the same place at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA show: (upper) the bluish sky on a clear spring day in 1998, and (lower) the hazy sky on a dusty day (6 April 2001) at about 5:30 PM local time (pictures downloaded from

Two pictures taken from the same place at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA show: (upper) the bluish sky on a clear spring day in 1998, and (lower) the hazy sky on a dusty day (6 April 2001) at about 5:30 PM local time (pictures downloaded from

As we all probably learned from our science classes, the air within our atmosphere is naturally composed of gases, including nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and several others. The atmosphere also frequently contains water vapor (H2O), which is water in its gaseous form. In addition to gases, the atmosphere contains very small particles in solid or liquid form, called “aerosols”. Liquid aerosol particles are in the form of viscous (or oily) droplets rather than water droplets.  Individually, aerosol particles are practically invisible to the human eye, because most of them are 10 microns or less in size (1 micron or micrometre = 1 metre divided by 1000000). By comparison, the human hair has a diameter of between 17 and 181 microns. Certain types of atmospheric aerosols (typically on the order of 0.2 microns in size) can serve as a nucleus upon which water vapor condenses to form clouds. Such aerosols are referred to as cloud condensation nuclei.  However, when there are high concentrations of aerosols in the air, especially near the surface of the earth where people can breathe them, we say that the air is polluted. In fact, the agents of air pollution (or pollutants) can occur either as unhealthy gases mixed up with the air or as aerosols floating in the air. People that monitor the air quality in different places often report the aerosol content of the air to the public in terms of the concentration of particles by mass per unit volume of air (typically expressed in units of micrograms per cubic meter). For air-quality purposes, aerosols are often referred to as PM10, which means all particulate matter (PM) in the atmosphere whose aerodynamic diameter (apparent diameter while floating in the air) is 10 microns or less. A subgroup of the PM10 often identified in air-quality monitoring is called PM2.5, which means all particulate matter whose aerodynamic diameter is 2.5 microns or less. There are several different types of aerosols depending on the materials or chemicals they are made of and where the aerosols come from. People and animals inhale aerosols in the air they breathe. The tinier the particles are, the easier they can enter the lungs and cause serious harm to our health. Therefore, for a given aerosol type, those in the PM2.5 size group are more harmful than the larger size group.

Aerosols can come from many different sources, some of which are natural and others anthropogenic (i.e. caused by human activities). Some of the main aerosol types and their sources are: (i) chemical pollution aerosols from industries, cars, trucks, and other modes of transportation, (ii) smoke from large and small fires, (iii) dust blown by wind from bare ground surfaces, (iv) sea salt from ocean sprays caused by waves resulting from the action of the wind and other forces that cause sea motion, and (v) volcanic aerosols from eruptions of volcanoes. As you may have guessed, chemical pollution aerosols are almost all caused by people, because of many of the things we do to enjoy life and move around. Smoke aerosols are to a large extent caused by people who set fires to forests, bushes, trash, or anything that produces smoke, although in certain places smoke originate from fires caused by lightning strikes or large accidental events. Dust aerosols are mostly generated by wind, but sometimes people produce dust while moving or conducting certain activities in dusty places. In fact, when we do anything to destroy vegetation anywhere and leave the land bare, we are also helping to provide favorable conditions for dust generation. Sea salt aerosols are mostly natural, and only a very tiny proportion is indirectly produced from human activities that cause waves in the ocean, such as fast moving boats and ship. Volcanic aerosols are entirely natural and often lofted very high in the atmosphere away from where people can inhale them. Ironically, aerosols caused mainly by people, such as chemical pollution and smoke, are mostly in the PM2.5 size range, which are the most harmful to people.

How can we know when there is a high concentration of aerosols in the atmosphere? One simple way is to look up in the sky when the sun is up. If there are no clouds, the sky should look bluish (that is, sky blue) when the air is clean. If the sky is hazy (that is, not bluish) when there are no clouds, then there must be a high concentration of aerosols in the atmosphere. In this case, the color of the sky will depend on the source, type, and amount of the aerosol along our line of sight to the sky. The reason for this is that the Sun’s light is made up of (electromagnetic) waves distributed across a wide range of wavelengths forming a spectrum. Only light whose wavelength is in the visible range (approximately 0.38 to 0.75 microns) of the spectrum can be seen by the human eye, and represent the different colors of the rainbow (violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red: as arranged in ascending order of wavelength). When the Sun’s light is travelling through a clean atmosphere that has no cloud, the air molecules scatter the shorter wavelengths, of which the eyes are most sensitive to the blue light, because air molecules are smaller than visible light wavelengths. This phenomenon was discovered by the 1904 Nobel Laureate in physics, Lord Rayleigh, and is known as Rayleigh scattering. This is why clear sky looks blue during the daytime, except during sunrise or sun set. When the sky is cloudy, the clouds appear white. Since the cloud droplets are much larger than the wavelengths of visible light, the cloud scatters all visible wavelengths almost equally and appears white because the sum of all colors in the rainbow is white. Aerosols in the atmosphere can scatter and/or absorb lights of different wavelengths to various degrees depending on the aerosol type, amount, and size distribution. Therefore, large amounts of aerosols in the atmosphere cause the sky to look hazy in different shades of grey or pale yellowish to brownish colors, depending on the position of the sun relative to the observer.

As a practical exercise, look up the sky one or more times a day for at least a week and take pictures of what you see. Remove the pictures that contain thick clouds. Out of those that have no clouds, or with just a few clouds and much free sky space, try to separate the pictures in which the sky is blue from those in which it is not. Those where the sky is hazy must contain large amounts of aerosols. Try to identify the photo with the largest amount of aerosols. How much aerosols were present on this day with respect to the other days?  Compare this picture carefully with that of the blue sky day and discuss it with your friends, teachers, family, and possibly community, to try to identify the possible source(s) of the aerosols. What could all of you do (if anything) to reduce or stop such aerosol at its source(s)? We know that high concentrations of aerosols in the atmosphere are harmful to people’s health in many ways and it is the responsibility of us all to keep the air clean. In future blogs, we shall discuss many other aspects of aerosols, such as: how far they can travel from their sources, how long they can stay in the atmosphere, how they leave the atmosphere and where they go, how they are measured from the ground, or from aircraft or satellite, how they relate to clouds, and what they can do to the weather and climate.

Posted in Atmosphere, General Science | 1 Comment

Sailboat of Opportunity

By Dr. Lin Chambers, NASA Scientist for GLOBE Student Research Campaign on Climate.

READ THIS BLOG IN SPANISHtranslation by Camelia Deller

While scientists often carefully plan field campaigns in areas of the world that they are interested in, sometimes opportunities come along to make measurements where someone else is already going.  For example, some cargo ships and passenger airplanes carry instruments to measure things about the atmosphere or ocean, wherever their route happens to take them.  Recently, such an opportunity landed in my lap.  As weather, time and the condition of the boat permit, the crew of a 64-foot sailboat called Ocean Watch has been making and reporting cloud observations for the Students’ Cloud Observations On-Line (S’COOL) Project which I direct,  a small sister project to GLOBE, as the boat sails “Around the Americas” (ATA).

A joint venture between the Pacific Science Center and Sailors for the Sea, ATA,  involves the Ocean Watch, making a circumnavigation of the entire North and South American continents.   The boat left Seattle, Washington, in the northwestern United States on 31 May 2009 and will take about 13 months to complete the journey.   It sailed through the famed Northwest Passage over the summer, then down the East Coast.  Currently it is along the north coast of Brazil, heading for the tip of South America, Cape Horn.  The route, so far and planned, including ports of call in several GLOBE countries (shown here).

While the main goal of the voyage is to raise awareness of the oceans, the boat is carrying a number of instruments to make measurements as they can along the way.  From the ATA webpage:  “Ten scientists from six institutions (University of Washington’s Applied Physics Laboratory, the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, RMR Co., MIT Sea Grant, NASA, and Western Washington University) have placed a diverse suite of instruments on board Ocean Watch to collect datasets of opportunity throughout the voyage. Projects span topics ranging from polar science and weather to jellyfish populations and the reflection solar energy.”

S’COOL is tied to a NASA satellite instrument called CERES (Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System). Observation times are therefore timed to the overpass of the Aqua and Terra satellites, which carry CERES instruments. The trick for the Ocean Watch crew is to time the cloud observations with the overpass of the satellites, as both sailboat and satellite are moving.  Figure 1 shows a map of observation locations from the recently-launched S’COOL Rover effort, which allows people to obtain satellite overpass times for any location in the world, and through which Ocean Watch is reporting.  The track of the sailboat through the Northwest Passage is clearly marked, then picks up again as they approach South America after a number of problems with weather, repairs, and crew changes.  Ocean Watch provides reports from locations where neither S’COOL nor GLOBE students would normally be reporting.  (Other locations around the world contributing Rover observations are also shown on this map.)


Question to ponder:  Why are the points on the map farther apart through the Northwest Passage, and closer together along the South American coast?

The observation reports from the Ocean Watch are accessible through the Internet.  When they have successfully timed the observation with a satellite overpass, satellite data corresponding to that time and place are also summarized on that site for comparison (see example, Figure 2).  For the leg picking up in the southern hemisphere, we have also worked out a way to link to digital photos being taken by the crew at observation time.  This brings an extra dimension to the comparison.  Our plan is to conduct a focused analysis of the entire Ocean Watch dataset, and how it compares to the satellite-retrieved information, at the conclusion of the voyage, but you can explore it now.



GLOBE participants near the coast may wish to keep an eye out for upcoming ports of call, and visit the boat and its crew for more information.  Be sure to check for updates to the schedule, as circumstances and weather do alter the boat’s course.

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Some Final Thoughts from Copenhagen

by Dr. Donna Charlevoix, GPO Climate Research Campaign Coordinator

Well, today is my last day here in Copenhagen, unfortunately. The Climate Conference is such an interesting meeting and there is so much to learn. However, it is not possible to stay the entire two weeks. As I reflect on my short time here I am struck how the entire city of Copenhagen and the Danish government has built upon their already eco-friendly infrastructure to provide a “green” experience for those of us attending the conference.

well marked bus routes

well marked bus routes

Upon arrival at the airport, staff was in place to direct us to a free shuttle to the Bella Center. Once I registered and entered the conference, I was provided with a free transportation pass – courtesy of the local government. This transportation pass provided access to the Metro, all buses and trains. This made all of us in attendance feel better about the fact that many of us just flew half way across the world, leaving a trail of significant greenhouse gas emissions in our wake.

As I was taking the shuttle to the Bella Center one morning I was amazed at the number of people riding bicycles, presumably to get to work. I’ve lived in two very bicycle friendly cities in the U.S. (Davis, California and Boulder, Colorado) but they’ve got nothing on Copenhagen. The city has a system of free bicycles available to anyone for use. Going somewhere? Grab a bicycle from a nearby rack and then upon your destination, return it to a local bicycle rack for someone else to use.

electric-powered taxi

electric-powered hotel transport

A group of automobile manufacturers were promoting alternative fuel vehicles just outside the Bella Center entrance. Tuesday afternoon I was provided free transportation back to my hotel from an all electric-powered Mini Cooper. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to test out such a vehicle but discouraged to find that while the Mini is not yet in production, when it does go into production for the U.S. market they will make it larger to appeal to the American market. (Can they still call it the “Mini” then?) As a bonus the driver gave me a short driving tour of downtown Copenhagen – what a lovely city!

baloon containing one ton of CO2

balloon containing one tonne of CO2

The city had clearly well prepared for the influx of people interested in climate issues by making very visible reminders of the impact of CO2 on the Earth. This photo of a large “balloon of CO2” is one of many stationed around the city. The photograph depicts visually the impact of one tonne of CO2. A very powerful image!

I write this from the airport, preparing to return to the GLOBE Program Office. I am excited to return home to share with everyone more details of my travel to the conference and to provide more information to the GLOBE community on how what I learned will help shape the GLOBE Student Climate Research Campaign. I want to extend thanks to the GPO staff for helping to ensure these blogs were posted in a timely manner and for posting other information from the conference to the SCRC web page.

I hope that the few entries I have posted provided you with an insiders’ glimpse to one of the largest international environmental conferences of our time. I will be monitoring the conference from home and asking others I know who are in attendance at the conference to provide some insights to share with all of you. Thank you for following my short journey. Please post any comments you might have, I would love to have a dialog with all of you!

Posted in Carbon, Climate, Climate Change, General Science | Leave a comment