Annual Reports

Below, you will find all the Country Reports available for the countries of the Latin American and Caribbean region. To access them, simply click on the country name below the year you are interested in reading.

To access the folder with all the Country Reports available from the LAC region, click here.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to us at 


2023 - 2024 Contry Reports

Click on the name of each country to access the annual report for that country during this period. 

Country  English Spanish
Costa Rica    
Dominican Republic    



2022 - 2023 Country Reports 

Click on the name of each country to access the annual report for that country during this period. 

Country English Spanish
Argentina Annual Report - Argentina Reporte Anual - Argentina 
Bahamas Annual Report - Bahamas Reporte Anual - Bahamas
Brazil  Annual Report - Brazil  Reporte Anual - Brasil
Chile  Annual Report - Chile Reporte Anual - Chile
Colombia  Annual Report - Colombia  Reporte Anual - Colombia 
Dominican Republic Annual Report - Dominican Republic  Reporte Anual - República Dominicana 
Ecuador  Annual Report - Ecuador Reporte Anual - Ecuador
Guatemala  Annual Report - Guatemala Reporte Anual - Guatemala
Panama Annual Report - Panama Reporte Anual - Panama
Paraguay  Annual Report - Paraguay Reporte Anual - Paraguay
Suriname Annual Report - Suriname Reporte Anual - Surinam
Uruguay  Annual Report - Uruguay Reporte Anual - Uruguay



2021 - 2022 Annual Reports

Click here to access the folder with all the reports of the 2021-2022 school year.

Click on the name of each country to access the annual report for that country during this period. 

Country English Spanish 
Argentina Annual Report - Argentina Reporte Anual - Argentina
Bahamas Annual Report - Bahamas  
Belize Annual Report- Belize  
Brazil Annual Report - Brazil   
Chile Annual Report - Chile Reporte Anual - Chile
Dominican Republic Annual Report - Dominican Republic  
Ecuador Annual Report - Ecuador Reporte Anual - Ecuador
Guatemala Annual Report - Guatemala Reporte Anual - Guatemala
Panama Annual Report - Panama Reporte Anual - Panamá
Paraguay Annual Report - Paraguay  
Suriname Annual Report - Suriname  
Trinidad & Tobago Annual Report - Trinidad & Tobago  
Uruguay Annual Report - Uruguay  


2020 - 2021 Annual Reports

Click here to access the folder with all the reports of the 2020-2021 school year.

Click on the name of each country to access the annual report for that country during this period.

Country English Spanish
Argentina Annual Report - Argentina Reporte Anual - Argentina
Bahamas Annual Report - Bahamas  
Chile Annual Report - Chile Reporte Anual - Chile
Colombia Annual Report - Colombia Reporte Anual - Colombia
Brazil Annual Report - Brazil  
Dominican Republic Annual Report - Dominican Republic  
Ecuador Annual Report - Ecuador Reporte Anual - Ecuador
Mexico Annual Report - Mexico Reporte Anual - Mexico
Paraguay Annual Report - Paraguay  
Peru Annual Report - Peru Reporte Anual - Peru
Suriname Annual Report - Suriname  
Uruguay Annual Report - Uruguay Reporte Anual - Uruguay


2019 - 2020 Annual Reports

Click here to access the folder with all the reports of the 2019-2020 school year.

Click on the name of each country to access the annual report for that country during this period.

Country English Spanish
Argentina Annual Report - Argentina Reporte Anual - Argentina
Bahamas Annual Report - Bahamas  
Bolivia Annual Report - Bolivia Reporte Anual - Bolivia
Brazil Annual Report - Brazil  
Chile Annual Report - Chile Reporte Anual - Chile
Colombia Annual Report - Colombia Reporte Anual - Colombia
Dominican Republic Annual Report - Dominican Republic  
Ecuador Annual Report - Ecuador Reporte Anual - Ecuador
Mexico Annual Report - Mexico Reporte Anual - Mexico
Paraguay Annual Report - Paraguay  
Peru Annual Report - Peru Reporte Anual - Peru
Suriname Annual Report - Suriname  
Uruguay Annual Report - Uruguay Reporte Anual - Uruguay


2018 - 2019 Annual Reports

Click here to access the folder with all the reports of the 2018-2019 school year.

Click on the name of each country to access the annual report for that country during this period.

Country English Spanish
Argentina Annual Report - Argentina Reporte Anual - Argentina
Chile Annual Report - Chile Reporte Anual - Chile
Colombia Annual Report - Colombia Reporte Anual - Colombia
Bahamas Annual Report - Bahamas  
Brasil Annual Report - Brasil  
Ecuador Annual Report - Ecuador Reporte Anual - Ecuador
Guatemala Annual Report - Guatemala Reporte Anual - Guatemala
México Annual Report - México Reporte Anual - México
Paraguay Annual Report - Paraguay  
República Dominicana Annual Report - República Dominicana  
Surinam Annual Report - Surinam  
Trinidad y Tobago Annual Report - Trinidad y Tobago  
Uruguay Annual Report - Uruguay Reporte Anual - Uruguay


2017 - 2018 Annual Reports

Click here to access the folder with all the reports of the 2017-2018 school year.

Click on the name of each country to access the annual report for that country during this period.

Country English Spanish
Argentina Annual Report - Argentina Reporte Anual - Argentina
Bahamas Annual Report - Bahamas  
Bermuda Annual Report - Bermuda  
Bolivia Annual Report - Bolivia Reporte Anual - Bolivia
Brasil Annual Report - Brasil  
Chile Annual Report - Chile Reporte Anual - Chile
Colombia Annual Report - Colombia Reporte Anual - Colombia
Costa Rica Annual Report - Costa Rica Reporte Anual - Costa Rica
Ecuador Annual Report - Ecuador Reporte Anual - Ecuador
Guatemala Annual Report - Guatemala Reporte Anual - Guatemala
Paraguay Annual Report - Paraguay  
Surinam Annual Report - Surinam  
Trinidad y Tobago Annual Report - Trinidad y Tobago  
Uruguay Annual Report - Uruguay Reporte Anual - Uruguay


Previous years

Click here to access the folder with all the reports from previous years.

Country English Spanish

Argentina 2007 - 2008

Argentina  Argentina 2010 - 2011 Argentina 2010 - 2011

Ecuador 2005 - 2006

Ecuador 2005 - 2006
Ecuador  Ecuador 2012 - 2013 Ecuador 2012 - 2013
Ecuador  Ecuador 2013 - 2014  
Ecuador  Ecuador 2016 - 2017 Ecuador 2016 - 2017
Uruguay Uruguay 2009 - 2010  
Uruguay Uruguay 2011 - 2012  
Uruguay Uruguay 2013 - 2014  
Mexico Mexico 2015 - 2016 Mexico 2015 - 2016
Mexico Mexico 2012 - 2013 Mexico 2012 - 2013
Mexico Mexico 2009 - 2010 Mexico 2009 - 2010
Suriname  Suriname 1997 - 2011