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Category Archives: Earth System Science
Post-Script to Blog on Trends in the GLOBE Student Network
I asked a climate scientist at NCAR, Caspar Ammann, to review the previous blog, and he brought up some interesting points that I thought I would talk about a little bit further. I am hoping this will inspire some of … Continue reading
Are there temperature trends in the GLOBE student records?
Recently announced at the GLOBE Learning Expedition was the upcoming worldwide GLOBE Student Research Campaign on Climate Change, 2011-2013. This campaign will enhance climate change literacy, understanding and involvement in research for more than a million students around the globe. … Continue reading
Land Use: How Important for Climate?
According to the most recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, land use change has a relatively minor impact on the recent rise in global average temperature. Yet, as stressed in an earlier set of blogs on Iowa … Continue reading
Posted in Climate, Climate Change, Land Cover
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Will there be more tropical cyclones in the future?
At a recent meeting, someone commented to me that the “global-warming folks” must be wrong, since we haven’t had a strong hurricane season since 2005, and weren’t they saying that a warmer climate means more hurricanes? Since we had work … Continue reading
Posted in Atmosphere, Climate Change
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2008 IPY Pole-to-Pole Videoconference
I’m going to interrupt blogging about surprising liquid puddles and soil temperature to talk about the Second Pole-to-Pole Videoconference, which took place yesterday (8 April 2008). Several scientists participated, as did five schools: in Ushuaia, Argentina, the Escuela Provincial No. … Continue reading